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SARAH HUTCHINSON 1762 by The Scarlet Letter

SARAH HUTCHINSON 1762 by The Scarlet Letter


This is a reproduction of an English sampler made in Bradford, Yorkshire, that shows distinct influences of Scottish needlework traditions, particularly in the illuminated alphabets.  The bold primary colors were reproduced from the front of the original sampler, which retains its amazing color.

Five alphabets and one set of numerals are featured on the sampler as well as two deer with pink spots flanking a pious verse:


Proceed not to speak or to act

Before thou hast weigh’d thy words

And examined the tendency of every

Step thou shalt take

A plain garment best adorneth a beau

tiful woman, & a modest behaviour is

The greatest ornament of wisdom of

Much speaking cometh repentance in

Silence is safety.

Work’d at Bradford by

Sarah Hutchinson 1762

Stitches used in this lovely little sampler are double running, cross, petit point, four-sided and eyelet.  On 35 count linen the finished sampler will measure approximately 11″ x 15″.  The project is recommended for intermediate level needleworkers.


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